Friday, April 10, 2020

Is Piling Hate on Trump Really the Solution?

Ever since the people of this country slowly realized that Donald Trump was actually going to be our president, there has been a massive outpouring of hateful rhetoric aimed at the man. In actuality, most of us have never met the person and our reactions to his presence are based upon media representations that usually align with some form of bias or another, for better or worse.

I think the real issue with the way we talk about Trump has less to do with who he actually is as a person and more with our country's injudicious tradition of placing outsize expectations on a single man within a single organization to solve whatever gigantically complicated problem our fickle minds conjure and that we have no intention to solve ourselves.

Obama, Barack Obama, President, Man

It is a tradition based upon our identity as self-reliant go-getters: we expect the most powerful one among us to single-handedly solve whatever problem presents itself to our country of 330 million people. Meanwhile, the country itself has become increasingly complicated and beset by ever-larger problems, with the population of the U.S. having increased by nearly 50% (or over 100 million people) over the last 40 years.

How soon we forget that Barack Obama, and George Bush before him, were held to the same unrealistic standards and subject to the same sort of vitriol.


While we've been spewing hatred towards whichever president we didn't vote for over the past 20, 40, or more years, how many among us have actually instituted real changes that are best for the entire country?

While we've been repeating talking points broadcast by news corporations, how may of us have been building more resilient food systems, investing ourselves in enterprises that support the long-term health of the people of our country, or building political networks that will facilitate these sorts of changes?

Many of us have done nothing more than mentally masturbate with the temporary good feelings that come from verbally putting down men we will never meet and the pressing issues of our country have remained unsolved.

Our education and upbringing have done us no favors. We've not been trained to be effective individuals, rather ones that are easily influenced, manipulated, and molded by "authoritative" figures who themselves have been misguided. Rather than being able to make an actual difference, most of us have been destined to propagate the sins of our fathers, doing nothing about the problems of our society until we are compelled to impotently whimper acrimonious insults towards those we unfairly have charged with doing something for real.


Desteni is a group of people who have researched and exposed the actual state of the human being through asking why and how we have become powerless hate-spewers as opposed to responsible human beings.

Destonians have discovered that there are two main roots to the evil of our society: our minds and money.

Unfortunately, our participation within our minds supports the money system and the money system supports us to remain in our minds in powerlessness.

By learning the nature of thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and how we allow ourselves to be possessed by them within competition, jealousy, anger, and self-serving yet fleeting experiences of joy, happiness, and gratification, we can forgive ourselves for them, stop participating in them, and commit ourselves to change our participation in this world.

Similarly, by exposing the corruption and abuse within the money system, we can forgive ourselves for participating within these abusive systems, stop participating in them, and commit ourselves to build new systems such as a Living Income Guaranteed.


By stopping participating in abusive thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we can for the first time stop abusing ourselves. This, in turn, will allow us to take a moment to step back and stop participating in the abusive Money system which externalizes that self-abuse onto others.

What this will bring us is as yet still unknown: we've never reached a point where we stop reproducing the conditions of abuse which have characterized human society since the beginning of recorded history.

But, rather than inadequately yelling at our televisions while nothing changes and everything gets worse, it's not difficult to imagine the type of world we can build when we are purified of corrupt thoughts and external structures designed to suppress and deny us our full potential.

For more info on Self Forgiveness and Self Honesty, check out DIP Lite

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