Thursday, June 25, 2020

LYING: Problem-Solution-Reward

I recently saw an article titled 'The Best (And Worst) Ways to Spot a Liar' and what immediately jumped out at me about the title was the giant tacit finger pointing at the word Liar. Within my life, I have charged this word with negative energy. Meaning, I have defined it as negative, something to be avoided, something that is bad for someone else to be, and something I believe I should not be. Yet, is it really so bad to be a liar? We are lied to 10-200 times per day and we, ourselves, tell 1 or 2 lies a day. How many times has someone asked you how your (shitty) day is going and you say "It's fine?"


The problem with lying isn't because then you fall into the camp of so-called Liars, because, let's face it we all are guilty of at least a white lie, a fib now and then. The actual reason why people have such a problem with Liars is because as a species we are wholly unprepared to deal with liars. This is why misinformation on social media is such a big problem; people simply aren't equipped to differentiate the truth from a lie. It's especially frustrating when someone is willing to lie right to your face, but the issue remains how you process information- it does not matter if the person lying to you is behind a screen 2,000 miles away or right in front of you.

The real issue is that when you do not define Integrity and live as Stability in Every Moment- you are susceptible to lies, misinformation, distortions, half-truths, and ultimately, you are able to be manipulated. 


Through writing self-forgiveness and practicing self-honesty, self-trust, and self-corrective application, we can uncover the negative or positive energy charges we have stored as memories in relation to words. By purifying words of these energetic charges and redefining them to something we can stand by until the end of our lives, it's possible to ensure we are no longer able to be manipulated by the words which are impulsed into us in this world. If you've accounted for every word you hear in a news presentation, for example, and no more are able to be manipulated by the words into a destabilizing emotional or feeling reaction, then it doesn't matter whether they are true or not.


What's the reward in purifying and redefining words? In a world rife with liars, whether unintentional or out to deceive you, you will remain stable. You will no longer have to read articles that 'teach' you to spot a liar by stoking your paranoia of being lied to: because people won't be able to lie to you! Well, they will still lie to you, but you will no longer be thrown into this or that reaction to the words based on your preprogramming.

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