Thursday, June 25, 2020

LYING: Problem-Solution-Reward

I recently saw an article titled 'The Best (And Worst) Ways to Spot a Liar' and what immediately jumped out at me about the title was the giant tacit finger pointing at the word Liar. Within my life, I have charged this word with negative energy. Meaning, I have defined it as negative, something to be avoided, something that is bad for someone else to be, and something I believe I should not be. Yet, is it really so bad to be a liar? We are lied to 10-200 times per day and we, ourselves, tell 1 or 2 lies a day. How many times has someone asked you how your (shitty) day is going and you say "It's fine?"


The problem with lying isn't because then you fall into the camp of so-called Liars, because, let's face it we all are guilty of at least a white lie, a fib now and then. The actual reason why people have such a problem with Liars is because as a species we are wholly unprepared to deal with liars. This is why misinformation on social media is such a big problem; people simply aren't equipped to differentiate the truth from a lie. It's especially frustrating when someone is willing to lie right to your face, but the issue remains how you process information- it does not matter if the person lying to you is behind a screen 2,000 miles away or right in front of you.

The real issue is that when you do not define Integrity and live as Stability in Every Moment- you are susceptible to lies, misinformation, distortions, half-truths, and ultimately, you are able to be manipulated. 


Through writing self-forgiveness and practicing self-honesty, self-trust, and self-corrective application, we can uncover the negative or positive energy charges we have stored as memories in relation to words. By purifying words of these energetic charges and redefining them to something we can stand by until the end of our lives, it's possible to ensure we are no longer able to be manipulated by the words which are impulsed into us in this world. If you've accounted for every word you hear in a news presentation, for example, and no more are able to be manipulated by the words into a destabilizing emotional or feeling reaction, then it doesn't matter whether they are true or not.


What's the reward in purifying and redefining words? In a world rife with liars, whether unintentional or out to deceive you, you will remain stable. You will no longer have to read articles that 'teach' you to spot a liar by stoking your paranoia of being lied to: because people won't be able to lie to you! Well, they will still lie to you, but you will no longer be thrown into this or that reaction to the words based on your preprogramming.

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone: Problem-Solution-Reward

Fist, Power, Fight, Aggression, RedWith news of shootings in Seattle's 'autonomous zone' sparking vigorous debate over the legitimacy of such erections, with supporters doubling down on their calls for defunding the police and adversaries pointing to the violence as proof of the dangers of self-policing, as someone who has lived in such an encampment during the Occupy protests and saw the decentralized form of governance 'at work', I have a perspective. It might not be popular to say, with all form of digital activist virtue signaling in support of this occupation and denouncement of established governmental structures, but I have yet to see any proof of such 'movements' producing any sort of meaningful change.


Whether it is the recent shootings or the spread of disease as seen during the Occupy 'movements' of the past, it is inarguable that hastily assembled autonomous zones are as ill-equipped to deal with the problems that arise within their borders as the governments they seek to replace were in dealing with the original issues that spurred their creation. From my experience as well as reading about the current 'autonomous zones', there are a few problems that none of these assemblies have successfully addressed.

First, the phrase 'autonomous zone' is a misnomer, as few if any of these people are actually the directive principles of themselves. Whether or not they choose to 'recognize' an official government structure does nothing to change the fact many are incapable of directing themselves effectively on a breath-by-breath basis. Instead, emotions and feelings often mix with group dynamics to create chaos and instability. The result is that progress in enacting solutions is a pained process prone to break down each time crisis arises, eerily similar to the reality before the autonomous zone was created.

Secondly, just because people are angry with the way things have been going doesn't mean they are righteous in their words or opinions or beliefs. In my experience, there were so few people informed on alternative solutions in economics, health care, or education to name a few problem areas that giving them voices during decentralized decision making processes was mostly, to be frank, just a waste of time. The level of deschooling and re-education that must take place before people are properly empowered to make meaningful change is monumental and a dirty, chaotic encampment without electricity and now shootings is about the worst place to go about doing that for oneself.

Thirdly, to get to the issue of police, or lack thereof, yes, protecting the elite while spiting others is an unacceptable function of police, but when the zones created to replace policed areas become as dangerous as the police themselves, you've simply replaced one problem with another. Until solutions are implemented with create the effect of a stable society where human rights are upheld for all, inequality and the problems of jealousy and resentment that lead to crime are going to continue existing. Unfortunately, the people with the big guns when others aren't allowed to have them are the ones who are going to be effective in stopping this sort of violence. And in no feasible reality are millions of elites going to give up the protection of their property that is afforded by the police to live in so-called 'self-policed' zones which have repeatedly shown they are incapable of preventing violence or enforcing acceptable standards of living for their occupants.


"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

For all the news stories generated and arguments in favor or against 'autonomous zones', millions of people still go without food, water, or shelter, and the main reason is that people haven't put in the work necessary to become effective human beings in this world. Without understanding how the mind in fact functions and our propensity to become directed by thoughts, feelings, and emotions instead of considering and being effective in enacting practical changes, we are doomed to continue manifesting consequences despite our best 'intentions' to create a different reality.

Personally, I have learned so much about the nature and function of thoughts, feelings, and the various other components of my own mind through Desteni and specifically by walking the Desteni 'I' Process Lite course where you are offered Free buddy support. The key principle here is to always bring it back to Self-Responsibility and looking for and understanding one's own responsibility for the way things appear to be. Through repetition and practical application, I have learned to no longer let my Mind Control Me, but to ensure Common Sense is always considered in my self-application.

Furthermore, while certain small segments and Desteni themselves have promoted a basic income since I discovered them nearly 10 years ago, only now are movements towards guaranteeing human rights within our political and economic systems gaining some traction, with presidential candidates like Andrew Yang and politicians in many countries finally voicing support for a basic income. However, much education and research remains to be done on the subject of practical solutions based in equality and oneness for all life. 


The implementation of a basic income guarantee will immediately eradicate poverty and with it remove much of the incentive for crime and disease-creation currently being reproduced within poor communities. The more people empowered to make decisions based on what is best for all rather than self-interest limited within the spectrum of survival and greed, the better our world will become. Without external coercion contaminating the creative energy of the human, just imagine what's possible for the human race!

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